Sunday, October 28, 2018

How Quotes from Infinity War solves Thanos

Spoilers obviously, albeit technically a theory.

Having watched the two quotes below from Avengers: Infinity War, I believe that Avengers 4 will at least have part of the solution - thematically at least - as written in the comics.

"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's a whole lot of Vision left perhaps the best parts"
Bruce Banner

Based on what Banner had explained, conversely, it could also mean that the Mind stone is also Vision. 

"The Soul holds a special place among the Infinity Stones, you might say it is a certain wisdom... To ensure that whoever possesses it understands its power, the stone demands a sacrifice... In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love, a soul for a soul."
Red Skull, Guardian of the Soul Stone 
To say that the stone wants assurances that power be 'understood' sounds it is sentient enough to prepare the means of restraint - an angel whispering on the shoulders of god. 

The comic solution was that the good guys had a foothold on an least one stone, in MCU they could have two.

I have thought about both quotes and it feels underwhelming. Vision was already a twist back in Age of Ultron. And even without reading the comics you would feel that Gamora is not entirely out of the picture. What's she gonna do, talk Thanos down?

But I am still hoping. There's still a matter of execution despite having parts of the picture. 

That being said I don't know how Captain Marvel or Ant-Man plays into all of this since both were not in the Infinity Gauntlet because they were snapped away. How will end of contracts play out or internal disputes to the overall story? 

I don't watch fan theories of the upcoming movie having considered myself compromised for knowing the source material.

The biggest question will probably be how can any of the heroes remain dead if Avengers 4 will indeed finally make death matter? How will the 10 years worth of work end with a bang?

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